Larry’s grandmother always told him: “You don’t live well until you give well.”


That lesson hit home with Larry when he was homeless and struggling to make it after losing his first job. One morning, without a penny to his name, Larry visited the Dixie Diner in Houston, Mississippi.


He ordered a big breakfast, knowing he did not have the money to pay for the food. After finishing, Larry pretended that he had lost his wallet. A cook approached Larry and said, “Son, you must have dropped this,” handing him a $20 bill.

Larry knew he hadn’t dropped the money, but he thanked the man and left. He bought enough gas to leave town and drove west, arriving in Kansas City with only a couple of dollars. Overwhelmingly grateful for the cook’s gift, Larry promised God that if God ever put him in a position to help others, he would do it.


Later Larry became a millionaire over and used his life to give back to others. He would dress up as Santa and give out $100.00 bills to those in need the weeks before Christmas each year.

He literally gave away millions to those in need!

It all started with a wise grandmother and a generous cook.